


Posted by Orillia Slo-Pitch League on Mar 15 2020 at 07:24AM PDT in 2020 Season

Hello All,

We have decide to postpone the next meeting The next meeting is scheduled for April 20/20 as of right now! Thanks everyone!! Drink lots of water and wash your hands! Stay safe all!! See you in a couple weeks!!

Secretary Orillia Slo-Pitch League


2020-03-31T04:45:25.000-07:00March 31 2020, at 04:45 AM PDT, Sandra Drury said:

We should be mentally preparing ourselves for the 2021 season. Until there is a vaccine in place to protect our members it is not possible for our sport to be realistic.
We need to stand down for the season to protect the 1 percent that are at risk of dying if we spread the virus by throwing a ball from person to person.
I always enjoy Cole’s posts counting down the days as his excitement is in itself infectious. For this season I hope the executive comes to the decision to save lives, band together and stay home.
Take care and stay safe.

2020-04-16T15:04:17.000-07:00April 16 2020, at 03:04 PM PDT, Carol Tran said:

Well said